Central Evangelical Free Church
– Our LPD Church of the Week.
Thanks to Anna (Ben) Crumback at Sointula Community Church for producing the Church of the Week!
Last week, Karen and
and I did something we have never done before… we traveled to Honolulu,
Hawaii for a week. It took us almost forty years of marriage to get there!
It was a wonderful time together, and we enjoyed the sights, the weather, the
beach, and I enjoyed the snorkeling with all the colourful fish.
As one who is drawn to
the ocean – and to the
sailboats that float upon it, I soon noticed that the breakwaters
are much smaller than here in Canada – and that the tides also appear to be
much less significant.
Checking my tide charts, I find that the tides are indeed much smaller in
Hawaii than here. While tides can be up to 15′ or more here, they will range
only to a maximum of about 3′ in Hawaii, usually much less.
It is due to what are called “amphidromes.”
These are points at the centres of oceans, where the tides are much smaller,
almost non-existent. Hawaii is near the center of the Pacific Ocean, and is
only a few hundred miles from one of these amphidromes. It also lacks large
land masses, bays and passages that provide obstacles that “funnel”
the moving waters of the oceans.
Interesting that we experience the impact of the invisible gravitational attraction of the moon that causes tides, more
at the “edges” than the middle of the oceans. Here on the west coast,
we see the impact of both the ebb and flood tides and the Salish Sea drains and
floods up to 15 feet of water twice each day. Tides run at 1-2 knots in the
Straight, and up to 9 or more knots in the narrow passes.
How like ministry! It is at the “edges,” where we and our churches
encounter people, obstacles and engage challenges, that we witness the work of
the “invisible” work of God and His Spirit among us. The centre of
the ocean may be more calm and free of obstacles, but it is at the edges, where
and when we engage others that we trust and see the Lord at work.
In my office is a picture of a sailboat with the caption, “Calm Seas never made great
Captains.” How true!
Here is how one
church is encountering its neighbourhood, and trusting God to work through the
Easter Season.
Johnston Heights
Church is encouraging their congregation to invite people to church at Easter
this year. Last Sunday, as they are preaching through Luke 15,
they gave people opportunity to list the names of those in their lives they
will pray for (the identified). Over the week, they have prayed for these
people, and are asked to invite them to attend Easter Services. These will then
be prayed for, in anticipation of them hearing the Good News of God’s Great
Love, as demonstrated through Christ on the Cross and our Great Hope through
Christ risen! Please join us in praying for these dear folks – and plan to do
something similar in your own church too!
Here is an article
on maximizing the opportunities with Easter:
So, what is God doing
in and through your church? we would love to share your story as well!
This Sunday, Karen and I look
forward to joining Grace
Evangelical Free Church on Sunday, where I will have the honour
of preaching as they celebrate their seventh anniversary. We are thankful for Pastor Ping Su and
this church family, and their outreach to Mandarin-speaking people in Richmond
and on the campus of Trinity Western University.
Friday evening, I look forward to meeting with Pastor Danny (Erico) Wu and the
leaders of the English Ministry at Burnaby
Chinese EFC, as we seek the Lord for growing this ministry for
the future.
Please pray for:
Upcoming Events:
Summer Ministry Opportunity
Looking for a youth mission opportunity this summer?
Have you considered a
beautiful island in the Pacific? – as in …
Vancouver Island?
Some Island Churches
would welcome ministry teams to come to the Island to minister with Vacation
Bible School Ministry and children’s programs this summer.
Your church can take your VBS ministry on the road with your youth or mission team – and be a real blessing to Island churches too.
Please contact the LPD Office for information!
Attend this conference
and the EFCC Annual Meeting live in Okotoks,
or join us via livestream.
Watch for details of livestream in the Lower Mainland and on the Island!
LPD Pastor and Staff Cruise
– a day with
colleagues in ministry.
Wednesday, May 29
LPD Pastor and Spouse Retreat
Nov. 22-24, 2019
Hello LPD pastors,
we’d like to invite you to join us on Nov.
22-24, 2019 for a Pastors’ retreat! We’d like to
encourage you to take a breather in late November (before Advent begins) with
your fellow pastors at Camp
Charis in Chilliwack.
Please set this date aside and watch for details early in the months ahead.