Mimic or Mission? Leading, Pushing and Following

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– our LPD Church of the Week

Thanks to Anna (Ben) Crumback at Sointula Community Church for producing the Church of the Week!

Hope City Church is a church that we all have a part in. It began in the hearts of a young pastor and wife, Phil and Grace Yung, serving in a church they loved, yet feeling a call to something new, something outside of their then current ministry, and something outside an existing church.

As we walked with this couple, they went through a process of discernment and assessment, which affirmed a call to church planting. They became LPD Church Planting Missionaries in 2012, went through a church planting bootcamp, followed by an internship in southern California, and were mentored and coached by Charlie Worley and later Steve Sharpe.

Our district invested in them financially, as did churches and individuals. We set up an Advisory Committee, and walked with them as they gathered a Core Team, and discerned what God was inviting them to join Him in birthing.

Hope City Church was birthed, has grown towards maturity, and now is reaching out to the community of Central Burnaby and beyond. It has moved in status from a church plant to a church that is now managing itself and continually refreshing its call to mission.

Leaders have been raised up, disciples have been made and grown, and Phil and Grace have been joined by a staff team that includes Andrew (Tiffany) Syyong and MIchelle (Aaron) Low.

It has been a joy to walk alongside this work of God, and to enjoy the partnerships that God has used along the way. Vancouver Chinese EFC commissioned them. Our district, ANACEFC (Association of North American Chinese Evangelical Free Churches), district churches and individuals supported them financially. Our district and the EFCC provided coaching and mentoring to them and volunteers from district churches served on our Advisory Committee.

Phil and Grace have grown as children of God, as a couple, as a family (Karissa, Micah and Kayla), and in ministry, and God is using them at Hope City and beyond. Phil serves on our LPD Board as Director of Church Planting and Development, and I appreciate his heart for church planting and for the church planters that he encourages and cares for.

There is an old saying (attributed to several notables) that simply states, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit,” and this is so true. Hope City Church is the fruit of the efforts and gifts of many, and we are thankful to serve together to this end. As Paul reminds us, “What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.” (1 Cor. 3:5-8).

Mimic or Mission?

As leaders, we must discern between leading people in obedience to God’s call, “pushing” people towards our personal agenda and “following” the trends of our day and culture.

Just as an attitude of thanksgiving can be difficult if a person is thinking about what he/she does not have, so an attitude of thanksgiving can be challenging in a church when our focus is on what our church does not have. Our worship is not on par with… Our pastor’s preaching is not on par with… Our children’s program is not on par with…

Rather than celebrating our church, and what God has been doing, we might focus on where our church might be “lacking.” Take time to reflect on and share where God has been at work. Take time to celebrate when lives have been transformed. Celebrate and build on what God has been doing!

Here is an article that encouraged us to complement, rather than compete with other churches.


I have seen a lot of trends over the years, and seen churches attempt to respond to changing culture. From hymns to upbeat music; from messages illustrated by stories to video clips (and back to stories); from pews to chairs, from suit and tie to casual dress; from King James to NIV – to “The Message,” there have been a lot of trends.

Sometimes the changes can be good – removing what might be considered “barriers” to people attending our church. Sometimes changes are frankly “dumb” and short-sighted. Leaders inflict change upon a church, only to have this change reversed by the next pastor.

People may become cynical – and rightly so.

How do we discern between the voice of culture and the call of God? Here is a helpful article:

4 Practices to Help You Discern Between the Holy Spirit and Leadership Gurus

Related to this, here is an article on why I’m thankful for the local church:

Finally, here is a Thanksgiving word of encouragement from Ed Stetzer, “A Thanksgiving Prayer From Old.” thanksgiving-prayer-from-old.html


Please Help

Vancouver Gospel Home Church is a Korean church plant that meets in Coquitlam. We have enjoyed coming to know Pastor Daeho Cho, and are working with them, as they make application to join our district and the EFCC Family.

Sadly the facility their church rents was recently broken into, and all their sound equipment was stolen. If your church can donate either equipment or funds towards replacing what was stolen, this would be a great blessing to these brothers and sisters in Christ.

Here is a list of what is needed:
Speakers 2~3(under 100W)
Speaker stand 2
Microphone 2~3
Sound mixer(up to 10chn)
Projector 1
Please contact me (Rob) for more information, and thank you for considering this need. (rob@lpd-efcc.ca).
Update: One church has already responded with a used soundboard – thank you! More equipment is still needed.

Please pray for:

  • Town + Field Church, as they begin a season of transition, now that Darren (Wendy) Young began a new ministry with the Leadership Network.
  • Pray for our nation – that our leadership candidates will acknowledge our Lord, and will speak and act with integrity.
  • Joshua and Nicole Fast, new Children’s Ministry Intern at Parkdale EFC, who is also now a LPD Missionary, as he begins “Priceless Youth Ministries, a ministry to families of special needs children/youth.
  • The Steveston Project Team – Allen and Hannah Chang and Daniel and Joyce Wong. Pray for them, as they lead this developing work of God, and give thanks for the lives being touched through the Gospel. Pray for them and their leadership, as they seek the Lord for the next steps in this work.
  • New Westminster EFC. Pray for Transitional Pastor Ralph (Karen) Hardy and Church Planters Jorge (Emily) Lin this church family, as they seek the Lord for the “new” work.
  • Tom and Sandy Ford and family, as he awaits transplants, made necessary through the impact of his diabetes.
  • Quadra Island Bible Church. We are pleased that God has confirmed the call of Brent and Lynn Austring to come and serve as pastor.  They are to begin their ministry on November 1, and their ministry will be part-time, as they will also continue to serve with North American Indigenous Mission.  
  • Christ Community Church is considering options for pastoral ministry for the future.
  • LPD Board. Board members are Randy Lemke (Allana) – Chair, Patrick Chan (Sarah) – Property and Finance, Ben Crumback (Anna) – Island Liaison, Charles Labun (Carolyn) – Church Board Liaison, Rob Stewart (Karen) – D.S., Tim Stewart (Emily) – Innovative Ministries, Paul Yang (Jin) – Korean Church Liaison; Phil Yung (Grace) – Church Planting and Josephine Papp, LPD Office Administrator – Recording Secretary. Please pray for provision of a Chinese Church Liaison.

Upcoming Events:

LPD Pastor and Staff Cruise

a day of fellowship, learning and encouragement with co-workers in Christ
Wednesday, October 30

Here are the details:



LPD Pastor and Spouse Retreat

Nov. 22-24, 2019

Hello LPD pastors, we’d like to invite you to join us on Nov. 22-24, 2019 for a Pastors’ retreat!  We’d like to encourage you to take a breather in late November (before Advent begins) with your fellow pastors at Camp Charis in Chilliwack.

Registration is open on our LPD Website. Please see:

Address: 9612 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 4G4
Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9 - 3 pm
We are a district of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada – 
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