Our LPD Church of the Week
Grace Hanin Community Church is one of two churches that joined our LPD/EFCC at our 2018 LPD Conference. The other church is Hope City Church, as this church plant became an “autonomous and interdependent” member church.
The “Hanin” in Grace Hanin Community Church is a reference to their Korean heritage and ministry. Day by day, this church is known simply as “Grace Community Church.”
It was such a joy to welcome this church to our family, and we very much enjoy serving with them. Grace Community Chhurch was planted by Pastor Shinil (Hyojin) Park in 2003. Their mission is to be, “A Church that transforms the world in the Name of Jesus.” This church has given birth to seven other churches, and is the largest church in the EFCC. This is a reflection of the changing population of our district and the EFCC, and also a tribute to the mission and ministry of this church. We celebrate them and what God is doing through this church family!
Grace Hanin Community Church hosted our 2020 LPD Conference on March 6,7 – just before COVID, and they blessed us with warm and generous hospitality. Thanks so much, Grace Community Church!
Reports are that, as we may well only be half way through our time of COVID, many people are “grumpy,” “frustrated” and “impatient.” Churches are not necessarily immune from this :). This may not be a good start to the Season of Advent. We are all disappointed that we must be physically apart, and we all hope to be able to gather for Christmas – both as families and church families.
This week, EFCC Leadership Catalyst, Terry Kaufman shared the thoughts of Thom Rainer, as he prays for his local church in this time of COVID. It is both encouraging and a good reminder of the part we all play. He writes:
My COVID Manifesto for My Church
I love my church, and I will not stop believing God has full control of this congregation.
I love my church, and I will not stop believing God has full control of this congregation.
When everything seems in COVID chaos, I will remember He is always in control.
I love my church, and I will pray for my pastor every day.
Pastors are confronted with decisions and conflict daily. I will pray for them regularly.
I love my church, and I will not get into fights and feuds over masks and similar issues.
When I act like Christ, I always put others before myself.
I love my church, and I will attend faithfully.
Now is the time for the body of Christ to come together. I will be a part of that reunion.
I love my church, and I will continue to support her.
I will give abundantly and serve joyfully. My commitment will not wane in trying times.
I love my church, and I will point others to my congregation.
I will invite people enthusiastically and be a gospel bearer every week.
I love my church, and I will not engage in gossip and negative conversations.
When others attempt to engage me, I will walk away or offer positive words instead.
I love my church, and I will be an encourager to others.
I will intentionally encourage through spoken words, notes, and social media.
I love my church, because Christ loves my church.
My commitment is firm in good times and in the stresses of COVID.
I truly believe God has a better future for my congregation.
In His power and strength, I will be a part of it.
Thom Rainer has a website, “Church Answers,” that offers resources for church leaders. He has also offered a free e-book,
While much of this book might not relate to our current and constantly changing situation, it does challenge us to think about leading our churches out of COVID.
Pastor Sammy Kabyemera of Jesus Grace International Church
presents us with an opportunity to minster to brothers and sisters in Ugandan refugee camps.
Pastor Sammy is inviting us to participate in a special Christmas offering for those in the Kyaka Refugee Camp. He writes, “These children need basic necessities year round. But at Christmas time I am hoping to give them an extra special gift for food ,clothes or at least toys. Please help me send love and joy to them in this holiday season in the name of Jesus.”
Donations can me made through EFCCM.
“Kabyemera, Sammy, Missionary Expansion Fund”
Account # 2-2106
Please Remember our LPD Missionaries:
Here is the link to their information and how to support them:
Please remember all of our LPD Missionaries (and all missionaries) at this time.
LPD Missionaries:
Dan and Sharon Williams (Osoyoos Project)
Steve and Gillian Sharpe (Missionary of Church Planting Development)
Jonathan and Harmony Ng (Inner City Ministry)
Noel and Lynda Macasaet (New Living Assembly)
Jorge and Emily Lin (Church of All Nations/”new”New West EFC)
Joshua and Nicole Fast (Priceless Youth Ministry)
Allen and Hannah Chang (Steveston Project)
Daniel and Joyce Wong (Steveston Project)
Nathan and Amber Kinsey (Winsome Games)
We in the LPD are here to serve you and your church through this time. Josephine has been continually updating our information, so has the most current information available on resources available to you and your church in this time. Please email Josephine
Please contact us for info on:
- Practical Application of current COVID Policy. Here is last week’s memo: LPD_Memo_November_19_2020.pdf
- Congregational Meetings – whatever your bylaws state, the BC Government is accepting “virtual meetings” for annual and general meetings. Here is a link to the government communication about this: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/not-for-profit-organizations/societies-agm-covid-19
- Current Information on the Federal Government Wage Subsidy Programs. Recent changes will positively impact the eligibility of grants for churches. Please contact our office for information.
- Online Giving Options for your church – helpful, especially when your church cannot physically gather.
Please pray for:
- Pray for James and Cindy Clark – They have been a part of Northside Community Church (formerly North Delta EFC) for more than 15 years, and James has recently interned there as he has studied at ACTS Seminary. James and Cindy have been called to pastor the Terrace EFC, and begin in mid-December. We are thankful for all invested in James and Cindy, and are thankful for this step in their lives and ministry.
- Advent and Christmas ministries in our churches. May we be both bold and creative to live and share the Good News.
- The Church of All Nations, and for church planting missionaries Jorge and Emily Lin.
- Last week, it was a joy to (virtually) join with and preach at Parkdale EFC. They celebrate one or more baptisms this Sunday.
- This Sunday, we look forward to (virtually) join Christ Community Church in Ucluelet. This is our most western church and has an important witness on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
- Pastor Tom and Sandi Ford and family. Here is a video update and greeting from Tom: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DD_BazLq2t4f016y1g0gk6s-tbasmiMs/view Hosanna EFC, where Tom most recently served, has set up a GoFundMe, and we encourage you to participate in this ministry to Tom and his family. https://www.gofundme.com/f/2020-care-package-for-the-ford-family
- Nathan and Amber Kinsey. Nathan (Coach K), LPD Missionary, leading Winsome Games, a ministry to reach out to children and youth through sports.
- Our LPD Board. Board members are Randy Lemke (Allana) – Chair, Patrick Chan (Sarah) – Property and Finance, Ben Crumback (Anna) – Island Liaison, Charles Labun (Carolyn) – Church Board Liaison, Rob Stewart (Karen) – D.S., Tim Stewart (Emily) – Innovative Ministries, Sang Hyun (Sam) Cho (Eun Young) – Korean Church Liaison; Phil Yung (Grace) – Church Planting, Philip Leung (Karen) – Chinese Church Liaison and Josephine Papp, LPD Office Administrator – Recording Secretary.