Reaching Across the ‘borders'(such as culture, language, age, spiritual backgrounds, or the many different ways of expressing worship or running church) to become a district that is closer to one another, deeper in our relationships, and committed to the common goal of growing God’s Kingdom together in the Lower Mainland.
Conference Speaker : Phil Wagler from Peace and Reconciliation Network
Live Translation to Korean and Cantonese (phone and headphones needed)
Cross Cultural Panel – Voices Across Borders: Stories of Success and Struggle with Gospel sharing and discipleship across cultural divides.
Friday afternoon Workshops:
- Healing Hearts, Mending Fences: Strategies for Conflict Transformation. (Joel Zantingh – Canadian Coordinator for Peace and Reconciliation Network)
- Building Bridges, Not Walls: A Workshop on Communicating Jesus’ Love in a Diverse Changing World. (Jonathan Ng – Missionary on the Downtown East Side)
- Walking the Talk: Practical Christian Faith in a Multi-faith World. (Peter Han – Chaplain to the Canadian Navy)
- Held in Cantonese – Faith Across Borders: Challenges and Opportunities for Chinese Pastors Navigating Ministry in New Cultural Landscapes
- Held in Korean – Faith Across Borders: Challenges and Opportunities for Korean Pastors Navigating Ministry in New Cultural Landscapes
- Children & Youth Pastors – Coffee Breakout Session (Josephine & Josiah)
Registration has closed but if you are still interested in attending please contact Josephine or Evans.
Delegate Form Web 2024
LPD 2024 Conference Poster