Advent provides a wonderful reminder of the enduring love of God and, even more so, the nature of God who is the very essence of Love! In 1984 the pop…
ADVENT MEANS ‘HOPE’… ‘Advent’ is the period before the arrival of a significant person or a significant event. It is meant to create a sense of ‘anticipation’. Something significant is…
SO, I’VE BEEN THINKING… Donnae normally shudders when she hears me say those words. She does not know what has been going through my mind and where this may lead.…
“Paul came to them, and being of the same occupation, stayed with them and worked, for they were tentmakers by trade. And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and…
WHAT IS YOUR STORY? “We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” — Jimmy Neil Smith He…
WHO IS YOUR AARON AND HUR? I have a couple of older men who speak into my life. These mentors are bluntly honest and have godly characters that I wish…
WHO DO YOU SEE IN THE MIRROR? Watching a documentary the other night, I was shocked to hear of another pastor who has left the faith and ministry because of…
RETIREMENT OR RE-TIREMENT? They walk amongst us. We see them in church every Sunday. They are seated on the benches in the shopping mall, chatting over coffee in the local…
Time for a Check Up? Two friends of mine decided to travel to a city about 3 hours away to pick up some sport equipment they were purchasing. They decided…