The Steveston Project
Thanks to Anna (Ben) Crumback at Sointula Community Church for producing the Church of the Week!
I’m done with the Church! Have you ever heard this? Have you ever thought this? Have you ever said this?… I certainly have…
Such a “confession” may surprise you. After all, I am a district superintendent, providing oversight and resources to some 34 churches plus church plants.
When I say , “I’m done with the church,” I have not given up with church as an organism, as in the Body of Christ. What I have lost interest in is perpetuating an institution whose primary goal is to serve the interests of the stakeholders and to perpetuate itself.
In our culture, an exercise in word association using the word “church” may not bring to mind positive associations. It may be a subject of jest – such as Mr. Bean’s famous sketch of falling asleep in church as the pastor droned on. It may bring to mind disappointment in leadership. It may bring to mind an experience that was far more hurtful or evening damaging. Whatever the reason, the word “church” may not bring to mind positive and pleasant thoughts.
While I have experienced “imperfections” of the local church, what gets to me is really that churches (the people of churches) in North America are failing in evangelism, in discipleship and in providing a positive and intelligent witness to our world.
This week, as I met with some leaders of churches, it was agreed that if a church is meeting its budget and “holding its own” in attendance, it will likely be rather complacent and consider itself to be healthy. The mission of the church, however is not to simply survive, but to make and to grow reproducing disciples of Christ.
Frankly, my seminary training did not equip me for such a mission. What I have learned, I have learned through my time with the parachurch, from personal experience and from others.
When I say that “I am done with the church” as I have sometimes known it, I am not alone. Many, both outside and inside the church feel the same way. It is not a “millennial” issue – I observe many people my age coming to be disillusioned with church and dropping out. Look around you. Where’s so and so who used to attend your church?
I also acknowledge that I am part of the church, and that the church to some degree reflects me. I “own” this.
Your local church is Christ’s Church. He has promised to build his church. He has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against it! He has invited you to be a part of his church and called you into his service – vocational or volunteer. He has called you and your church to more – much more than you may have experienced in church.
On March 1,2, I invite you to join with me, with our district leadership and with leadership from your local church, as we gather for our annual LPD Conference at Vancouver Chinese EFC.
Our theme is, “Discipleship that Transforms.” We do not intend to provide the answers, but the tools to clarify the call of your church and to align your local church and your ministry with the call of God.
Conference presenters Steve Sharpe (LPD Missionary of Church Planting Development) and Neil Bassingthwaghite (EFCC Director of National Mission) write:
The expectation of the Great Commission is to make disciples, yet it seems like we are struggling to see transformed lives in our churches today. If we are going to be the gospel-sharing people that Christ desires, how do we accomplish the goal of becoming a Great Commission church? In exploring how to create a church culture where disciples are transformed; we are confident you will be equipped to meet the challenge of helping people hear the voice of Jesus and follow in simple obedience.
I look forward to seeing you! I look forward to hearing from you and to learning with you. I trust that conference will provide a catalyst for God’s fresh work among us in mission – and in your church.
Please watch for a brochure and conference details next week. In the meantime, please mark the dates – March 1,2 at Vancouver Chinese EFC. Plan to come and to bring your leadership team with you too!
Feeling done with
church? – here is a short word from John Piper:
I Will Not Leave Jesus, But I’m Done With the Church
Last Sunday, Karen and I had the chance to attend Johnston Heights Church. What a wonderful experience! It is evident that people matter at Johnston Heights. From the pastors taking time to mingle with and greet people before the service to the cafe light after the service, people matter and took time for one another. The worship, led by Logan Hawkins was both meaningful and somewhat contemporary, but people of all ages participated and were engaged. There is a connection between the two. When people know they matter, they will also be engaged. From the greeters to the kitchen, many volunteers were involved in Sunday AM ministries. Often a church will make changes, and leaders fail to take into account the importance of caring for people. Often people resist change simply because they feel passed by. Good job Johnston Heights!
This Sunday morning, I look forward to joining New West EFC, as they launch into their their new year and affirm Jorge and Emily Lin as church planters for the “new” New Westminster EFC alongside transitional pastor Ralph and Karen Hardy.
This Sunday afternoon, I look forward to preaching at and meeting with the people of Grace Ethiopian Evangelical Church. This church is, as the name implies, is composed largely of Ethiopian immigrants, and meets at New West EFC. They have applied to become a member church of the LPD/EFCC, and we look forward to welcoming them into the family at our conference in March.
Please pray for:
Upcoming Events:
LPD Annual Conference:
March 1,2 at Vancouver Chinese EFC.
“Discipleship that Transforms“
Please plan to join us for this annual gathering, and to attend with your
leadership team!
Please mark your calendars
and watch for brochures next week!
Canada Summer Jobs Program for 2019
application deadline is January 25
Last year, the federal government made changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program, which essentially excluded Evangelical Churches and ministries. Thankfully, changes have been made for 2019, and we encourage you to apply for a grant to hire for summer ministries in your church. Over the years, many district churches have received grants for summer ministry personnel, and this is a great way to mentor youth in Christian service and leadership. Here is a link to the news story and a second link to the government website for the application:
LPD Pastor and Spouse Retreat
Nov. 22-24, 2019
Hello LPD pastors, we’d like to invite you to join us on Nov. 22-24, 2019 for a Pastors’
retreat! We’d like to encourage you to take a breather in
late November (before Advent begins) with your fellow pastors at Camp Charis in Chilliwack.
Please set this date aside and watch for details early in the New Year,