Advent is the season of anticipation, waiting, preparation, and celebration. God is about to do something – something special, something unusual, something that only God can do. This month represents the advent of special and sacred things.
Last week the Advent season launched as we lit the candle of Hope. Because we are on the cusp of God doing something the anticipation of what that might be brings a sense of Hope – God has not forgotten us, God is going to rescue us, God loves us ~Hope!
But this Sunday as we light the second candle we are reminded that because God is going to do something, we can also have Peace. Anxiety, fear, confusion have no room here, there is only that sacred space for Peace, the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding.
The candle of Peace is also known as ‘The Bethlehem Candle’. It is is supposed to remind us of Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem where little baby Jesus would be born in order to bring Peace between man and God.
This was worth waiting for! This was worth preparing for. As the prophet Isaiah proclaimed, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Maybe amongst the chaos and turmoil of life and the busyness of the season peace is something that has eluded you and something you long for. Maybe it feels that you and God have drawn apart and the peace you once enjoyed with His sacred presence is lost and distant.
As we consider the significance of the season and relevance of the candle we light today, I pray that in some small way the flicker of its light may remind you of the Light of God born into the world to restore you, forgive you, and make the way back to the Father of Lights clear so that you could find yourself enveloped in His Peace. Peace…it is not found in a world without trouble or conflict, it is found in the calmness of the soul in spite of the world’s conflicts, troubles, and turmoil. May you discover afresh this Christmas, the Peace of God whatever you may be facing or enduring. HAPPY ADVENT!