🔴 5 Minutes on Friday with the LPD 🔴

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This Week In The LPD
Happy Friday!

It has been a busy week, but a good week…for me anyways, but I hope for you as well.
Ron Unruh, former EFCC president and a wonderful friend of the LPD celebrates his 82nd birthday today. Noel MacAseat, pastor of New Living Assembly in Chilliwack, turns 60 this weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, gentlemen! May God Bless you both richly as you celebrate with friends and family.

I am thankful as I reflect on this last week. I was able to visit Parkdale Church in Victoria and preach at The Rock in Ladysmith last Sunday. I was also able to visit a potential church plant in Victoria as part of our district evaluation to see if there is a good fit there. Yesterday we had 24 Korean pastors from around the country (and visiting District Superintendents) join us at JHC for a day of fellowship, challenge, and discussion about church planting.  It has been busy but also so productive – and so today is a slower day with some rest chalked in for the afternoon 😊

Josephine is preparing for the launch of our new accreditation process. I am excited by the new process. As stressed before, it focusses more on transformation than just writing a paper. It involves others in a cohort around you that walk with you as you walk with them through the process. It is going to emphasize and strengthen our EFCC ethos. If you have not yet signed up contact Josephine

Events for your calendar this month and beyond…

  • Island Church Visits – I will be visiting our Island churches over September and into October. I would love to connect and say hi so if you are in an area where I will be then come and visit: 20th & 21st Sept Rick and Sandy McAllister are hosting a marriage event at Nanoose Bay EFC that I will be attending and participating in; 22nd Sept I am speaking at Central EFC in Courtenay (its their church family picnic); 23rd Sept I am meeting with Quadra Bible Church’s board on Quadra Island; 25th Sept we are hosting an Island Pastor’s lunch at Wildwood Community Church in Bowser; 29th Sept I have an opening and would love to visit your church…so contact me if you want to set up a visit!
  • Pastor’s Cruise – 23 October – We have planned this as a means of bringing our district together. We need you there. It is a chance to contribute to what is happening in our district, to meet new pastors coming into our district, and to fellowship with our district pastors. I plan to introduce some new pastors to our district to you.
  • The New EFCC Accreditation Process Launches – If you would like to be a part of this then contact Josephine urgently!

I hope your weekend is wonderful!


Address: 9612 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 4G4
Office Hours: Monday to Wednesday 9 - 3 pm
We are a district of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada – 
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