David and Joanna met and served at Cross Fellowship Church since 2010.
As 1.5-gen (or “1.7-gen”) Korean-Canadians, they know what it’s like to be “in-between” both cultures. As bilinguals (Korean and English), they consider it a blessing and a strength as they can act as a bridge between the two cultures. They both have a big heart towards the 1.5 and 2nd generation immigrants and want to help them grow and thrive in God. They both felt called to plant a church for the next generation of believers, to help them Grow in God, to help them Glow in their communities and to help them Go where God sends them. They have three children—Abby, Joshua and Grace—whom they homeschool, and a toy poodle named Ellie.
David enjoys playing Nintendo with Joshua and loves all sorts of board games.
Joanna is a librarian who likes to craft with a cup of coffee.
They like taking Ellie out for a walk (or Ellie walks them).
홍태환 목사와 김수정 사모는 2010년 크로스한인교회에서 만나 함께 섬겨왔습니다.
같은 교회에서 섬기고, 결혼도 하고 세 자녀(지연, 지훈 지은)를 낳고 2023년부터 Sonflower Community Church를 개척하게 되었습니다. (한글로 번역하면 “주바라기” 교회입니다).
이민교회에서 1.5세(“1.7세”)로 자라오면서 경험한 것들을 토대로 다음 세대의 이민자들, 즉 영어가 주 언어가 된 이민자들을 위한 교회를 개척하게 되었습니다. 이 교회를 통해 아직 예수님을 믿지 않거나 교회를 떠난 이들이 예수님의 아름다움을 보고 그 안에서 성장하고 섬기는 모습을 보길 원합니다.
2024년 부터 첫 예배를 드리기 위해 준비중에 있는 이 교회를 위해 기도와 참여를 바랍니다.
헌금으로 후원하고자 하시는 분들은 “Trellis Ministry”를 통해 후원해주시기 바랍니다.
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Trellis (noun): a frame of crossed bars that supports plants as they grow -Cambridge Dictionary
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In the spirit of 2 Corinthians 9:7, may God bless you abundantly for your cheerful giving.
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Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV)
Dan and Sharon Williams are a church-planting missionary couple called in 2020 to a unique area of B.C. (actually the only desert in Canada). Their personal call is to break spiritual chains and build spiritual hope in the town of Osoyoos and beyond.
By the grace of God, the shape of the mission will be concentric: founded on an inner circle of budding new disciples of Jesus, then building a new type of Christian community, and then bringing new blessings of the Spirit to the whole South Okanagan. In this way the vision will be fulfilled: to share the Good News fully and in a sustainable way, to the glory of God.
We welcome your partnership with them in prayer and in their financial support.