What is love?

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Is love nothing more than an emotion we feel? If we look at the act of Jesus dying on a cross it quickly becomes clear that love is far more than just what we feel or an emotion that we experience. I mean, Jesus didn’t ‘feel’ like dying on a cross. He died on the cross as an act and a demonstration of love – love is action!

1Corinthians 13 describes what love looks like – it is kind, patient, keeps no record of wrongs, is not arrogant or rude, it never fails. 1John 4 states that “God is Love”. Could it be then that 1Corinthians 13 is describing the character or nature of God – He is kind, patient, rejoices with truth, He is not arrogant, self-seeking, or rude?

As I read 1Corinthians 13 I am convinced that Paul is describing God to us, and that means when I love someone as this passage describes then am I not reflecting God to them, or being Jesus to them. If the Spirit of God fills me and makes His home within me then surely He will be transforming me to reflect more and more of Jesus to those around me, even a homeless woman drunk and stumbling down the street!

One thing that is clear from Scripture is that love is always outlooking, self-sacrificing, and self-less. Jesus showed us this, and compelled us to do the same. My hope and my prayer is that we, His church and body in this world, will become so overwhelmed with God’s love that His character would be reflected in our conversations, our thoughts, and especially in how we treat and work with each other and others – especially those in greatest need of love.

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour. (Romans 12:10)

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