Please remember,
“Burnaby Chinese EFC”
– our LPD “Church of the Week.”
Thanks to Anna (Ben) Crumback at Sointula Community Church for producing the Church of the Week! |
Dear friends,
I always admire people who do not forget where they have come from. People like this show humility and compassion. People like this do not horde, but are willing to share. People like this live simply and are glad to associate with others.
My parents were people like this. They always remembered their roots. My dad was the son of a general store manager. My mother was the daughter of a fisherman/ janitor. They grew up in the Depression. They were humble. They were always glad to share. Today would be my father’s 100th birthday, and it has been one week today since we laid my mother to rest, at the age of 96. They left a great example to me. Though my dad had a PhD, he was glad to grab a hammer at a work bee, to babysit and to do whatever was needed. He was a war veteran, but would only reluctantly wear his medal on November 11th, because my mother insisted that he do so. My mother’s hospitality lived on into her last days. When we would visit, she would even offer her bed if we needed a place to sit or even to have a nap.
I also admire people who do not forget where they have come from in our Christian Faith. The Apostle Paul “got this,” when he wrote that, Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.” (1 Tim. 1:15).
Similarly, Paul reminds us that it was when we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). It was not that we “cleaned ourselves up” sufficiently to gain God’s acceptance. Rather, it was when we were still living in disobedience to God that Christ provided salvation and new life through his sacrifice.
We can so easily forget this! The church today, rather than having a message of hope to “sinners,” can be heard to have a message of condemnation and judgement. Rather than reaching out to “simmers,” we may find ourselves and our churches attempting to separate ourselves form them. Have we at times forgotten where we have come from?
As we look to our 2018 LPD Conference on March 2, 3, our theme is, And Such Were Some of Us. In this, we hope to better equipped to reach out with a message of hope to those struggling with same-sex attraction and other challenges. Can one find hope and safety in the church as they seek to honour Christ, or will they be left to struggle on their own. How can the church be both biblical and loving?
To assist us at conference, we have invited people from Journey Canada, who will guide us towards a biblical understanding of today’s cultural context in a workshop, “The Church and Same-Sex Attraction.” Please see the attached brochure. They will share their story and encourage us to bring a message of hope. On Friday afternoon, we will follow up on this theme, and encourage one another in making practical application in our local churches.
Please see the attached conference brochure and letter of introduction – conference materials will also be mailed to district churches.
We really look forward to sharing conference with you!
Pastor Sammy and Jesus Grace International Church:
People at Jesus Grace International Church are raising funds to assist brothers and sisters in Uganda to obtain a place to worship and minister within their refugee camp. This is the same refugee camp in which Pastor Sammy and Eva Kabyemera and their six children lived, before they were able to come to Canada as refugees. While there, Sammy and Eva planted five churches! Please see the attached opportunity for how we can partner with Uganda Refugee Project Ugandan_Refugee_Project.pdf
Please Pray for:
- Brian and Mary Crumback – parents of Ben (Anna) Crumback. Tests reveal that the brain cancer has been advancing. Pray for Ben and Anna as they minister.
- Praise God for confirming the calls of pastors for Grace EFC (Su Ping), and Coquitlam Chinese EFC (Keith (Hazel) Kwok), and Richmond Chinese (Will and Christine Burgess to English Ministries and Edmond and Grace Fong for Chinese Ministries).
- Praise the Lord that visas have been granted for Darryn and Kim Botha, to come to Canada from South Africa to minster at Mountain View Church in Sardis. They are expected to arrive on January 19.
- Pastor Lorin (Jeanette) Bergen of Fort Langley EFC. Lorin is taking a three-month medical leave. Pray for discernment for the medical personnel in the tests being conducted and for peace and health and strength for Lorin. Pray also for Associate Pastors, Jon (Emily) Reesor and Jason (Susanna) Lavergne, as they share the ministry responsibilities through this time.
- Christ Community Church in Ucluelet, in their search for bi-vocational pastor.
- Quadra Island Bible Church, in their time of pastoral transition, and as they seek the Lord for guidance in their pastoral search.
- The Steveston Project Team – Allen and Hannah Chang, Daniel and Joyce Wong, Steve and Gillian Sharpe. Praise God for a Core Team and lives being touched with the Good News.
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